
Bio-oxy bleach system for detergent

Oxigent is an biobleaching system which enzymatically catalyses the oxidation of a wide range of substrates such as aromatic alcohols, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, anthracene, nonphenolic aromatic compounds and aromatic amines. These substrates cover almost all type of stains normally encountered in daily life. Oxigent consists of a mediator or a smaller weight compound and an array of enzyme produced by a Biotechnologically modified strain of Fungus. This enzyme belongs to a group of Aryl Alcohol Oxidases & Peroxidases. AAO provides the H2O2 necessary for peroxidase activity, through a system based on aromatic aldehyde redox cycling. (Ref. 1 & 2)

Oxigent catalyses one electron oxidation, their by creating phenoxy radicals (for phenolic compounds) and cations (for non phenolic compounds). (Ref. 3) These active moieties than undergo spontaneous rearrangements and degradation. Most of the resulting products are uncleaved ketones whose presence enhances bleaching because they are susceptible to cleavage by alkali (Detergent).


ABTS [2,2’ –azinobis(3-ethylbenzathiazoline-6-sulphonic acid)]





A detailed description of this method is available on request.

Figure 1 & 2 illustrate the activity of Oxigent at various temperatures and pH values commonly found in laundry detergents.


Stability in Detergent Formulation:
The granular composition of Oxigent protects it from other chemicals in the detergent formulation and from external denaturing conditions:

Oxigent at 3% concentration was incorporated in detergent formulation and was kept at 50ºC & 60ºC for 1hr, 2hrs and 3hrs respectively. One sample was kept as control at room temperature. To test the stability of Oxigent against temperature, its action was measured through decolourisation of ink by it. Ink was diluted to give the standard O.D. of 0.450 at 550 nm. 10 ml of this solution was taken in different test tubes and 1 gram of the samples, drawn from all above were added in it. Then the solutions were filtered after 10 minutes and decrease in O.D. was recorded. The results are shown below.


O.D. after 1 Hr

O.D. after 2 Hr

O.D. after 3 Hr










Room Temp




Room Temp.     0.028     0.020     0.010
Oxigent at 30 mg was incorporated in 1 gm detergent formulation in final packed condition and was kept at 500C & 60 % RH for one month in a humidity chamber. The decrease in O.D. of the same was compared with control. The results are shown in table given below : 


Oxydation Value %

50.c or 60% RH


Room Temp. & Humidity     


The granules of Oxigent are readily soluble in detergent solutions in all levels of concentration, temperature and pH which may occur in normal uses.

Oxigent is produced by a non-toxicogenic and non-pathogenic eco-friendly strain of microorganism to ensure environmental safety. Non-toxic to animal, plant and human.

The recommended uses of Oxigent is 0.3 to 1% of the detergent. Determination of the exact amount of enzyme required for laundry application should be based on wash condition, detergent formulae, amount of detergent used per wash and the level of cleaning performance desired.

  • Better long-term shelf stability than other available oxygen bleaches.
  • Being a bio-bleach it is gentle in action (fabric friendly).
  • Acts as a disinfectant on both bacteria and viruses likely to be encountered in daily life.
  • Brightens fabrics.
  • Oxigent can be mixed or used with other household cleaner.
  • Very environment friendly as it is 100% biodegradable.

Oxigent is available in a packing of 10 X 1 Kg packed in canvas bag.

Handling Precautions
Oxigent is neither toxic by acute oral exposure nor by repeat exposure. It may cause slight irritation of the skin but not sensitization of the skin. Un-necessary contact with the product and inhalation of the dust should be avoided. In case of spillage or contact with the skin or eyes rinse thoroughly with water.

To retain maximum activity, the product should be stored in moderate temperature in dry and airtight condition in original containers.

J. of Biological Chemistry; 1987, 419-424; 262, 1.
App. & Env. Microbiology; 1995, 341-345, 61, 1.
J. of Biological Chemistry; 267, 33; 23688-23695
App. & Env. Microbiology ; Jan. 2000, 170-175.

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