
Fortified Bio-surfactant:-

Choice of a surfactant system for many applications, from fabric detergency to tertiary oil recovery, is a critical step. In practice, mixtures of surfactants are used because a detergency to tertiary oil recovery, is a critical step. In practice, mixtures of surfactants are used because a single surfactant rarely satisfies all requirements. Mixed-surfactant systems are also known to exhibit synergism, leading to enhanced many applications, from fabric detergency to tertiary oil recovery, is a critical step. In practice, mixtures of surfactants are used because a single surfactant rarely satisfies all requirements. Mixed-surfactant systems are also known to exhibit synergism, leading to enhanced performance properties. Actidet is a non-ionic bio-surfactant fortified with a mix of balanced ionic surfactants to provide best synergistic result in wash performance. Actidet has been developed after research based on performance in actual Indian conditions. Actidet has been designed to improve washing affectivity while keeping the foam at moderate levels. High foam detergents require more water without any beneficial effect in soil / stain removal capacity.
Benefits of using Actidet:
  • Better wash performance
  • Moderate foam
  • Gives better whiteness to formulated detergent
  • Soft to skin and fabrics
  • Better economics


Actidet can be used as partial or 100% replacement of linear alkyl benzene based surfactant depending on the need of the formulation i.e. wash affectivity and foam requirement. Actidet can be dosed in the same sequence as for LABSA in case of 100% replacement or after complete neutralisation of LABSA in case of partial replacement.
Actidet is available in 50 Kg / 25 Kg / 200 kg HDPE drums.

Actidet comes in off white to yellowish paste form. It has got following properties:
  • Specific gravity : 0.90-0.92
  • pH of 1% Soln. : 10
  • Solubility : 100% in water
  • Active protein % : >3.5mg per gm (Assay method of active protein is available on request)

Surface tension reduction test:
A simple stagalometric test for determination of surface tension reduction can be carried out with 1% solution of Actidet vs. water which gives surface tension reduction to <32 dynes/cm as against 72.75 dynes/cm of water at normal test conditions.

Actidet is quite safe in industrial and washing application. Its MSDS sheet is available on request.

For any further information or technical support
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A research product from
Indo Shino Industries
200-A/2, Prime City,
P.O.Vijay Nagar,
Indore 452010

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