
Questoll 501
Detergent Additive

Product Features
Questoll 501 is a new generation builder substituting all conventional builders and co builders including polyacrylate and acrylic- maleic copolymers, Questoll 501 is a strongly hydrophilic polymer, precisely engineered to maximize detergency for detergent powders and cakes.

  • Chemical name : phosphono poly carboxylic acid
  • Appearance: clear yellow liquid
  • Active Content: 55+2%
  • Specific gravity @ 25.c : 1.3-1.4
  • pH(AS is): Less than 2
  • Solubility: Soluble in water

Major Benefits
  •     Cost effective
  •     Improved colour retention after repeated washes
  •     Softer feel to fabric
  •     Improved soil dispersion
  •     Ease of formulation
  •     Can Optimize active content without affecting washing performance
  •     Premium detergent at economy price

Use Guidelines
Questoll 501 is recommende to be added with LABSA before neutralization for optimum distribution of product. Other ingredients can be mixed as per normal practice.Product may turn hazy on storage especially at low temperatire. This does not effect its properties and performance.

Handling Precautions
It is moderately irritating to the skin and corrosive to the eyes. Care should be taken to avoid contact with skin and of water. Goggles and rubber gloves should be used at all times when working with the concentrated material.

65kgs carboy/275 kg polydrum/1300 kg IBC